
We dare to explore the unknown, try new things, and continue to innovate. We care for each other and tolerate diversity.

       What sets us apart from other companies? Because we know how to combine individual products into a complete system and bring it to market in the right way. So our relationship with our customers is not only based on providing innovative precision products, but also on the common goal of developing application solutions.


From general to specialized, we have a full range of advantages.

      The Gravel Star Products Division provides superior application and design engineering services. Whether you need custom tools, finished tools, tool drawings, or application expertise, you can trust us.

Technical Support

      Based on your current situation and the working conditions of the workshop, we select and customize the optimal cutting tools and pass on-site testing. Let us lifecycle manage your tooling products in line with the rest of the tooling lifecycle in your shop. This way, you can focus on your company's core business. Like well-functioning gears, a company's business can run well. Let Lixing Industries help you achieve this goal.

Transparent and reasonable  -  Preferred supplier

       The advantages of our company are transparent product models, reasonable prices and fast delivery times. We have been committed to meeting the needs of our customers and providing high-quality products and excellent services. If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us.

Tool reconditioning

        Our tool regrinding reduces the need for customers to purchase new tools and therefore reduces production costs.Advanced regrinding and re-coating processes restore the geometry, edge and coating of our tools to their original specifications, keeping our customers ahead of the curve. Many knives can be refurbished multiple times, further saving costs.